Etianverse Comics was founded by film director Etienne Kubwabo and is a divison of his production company Mile Away Films. From a young age, Etienne immersed himself in storytelling, drawing on his childhood experiences and love of comic books. This led to the creation of his first supehero series ‘Beats of War’ which follows the story of a half-human alien who crash lands in Glasgow, Scotland. ‘Beats of War’ has now sold over 35,000 copies worldwide. Join our heroes on their adventures by visiting our shop and picking up a copy today!
An alien planet ravaged by robot invaders. A city on Earth plagued by crime. Their hope: a hero from beyond the stars.
An alien visitor continues his quest to save his planet. A ruthless gang seeks revenge for an untimely death. Meanwhile, government...
An alien visitor continues his quest to save his planet. A ruthless gang seeks revenge for an untimely death. Meanwhile, government...
Ni gets all ET’s friends to join her to a rescue mission. The unexpected happens.. And the Beats of war drum even louder.
An alien visitor continues his quest to save his planet. A ruthless gang seeks revenge for an untimely death. Meanwhile, government...