
Etienne Kubwabo
CEO / Creative Director

Etienne is a filmmaker and comic book writer with a passion for showcasing his stories and culture through his art. To date, he has written, directed, and produced award-winning documentaries and shot over 120 music videos and commercials. His debut feature film, ‘The Difference Between Us’ will be released worldwide in 2023.

Etienne created Scotland’s first-ever black superhero in the critically acclaimed comic book series ‘Beats of War’ and discussed its inception on BBC’s The Social, BBC Radio Scotland and STV News.

In 2017, Etienne was commissioned by BEMIS Scotland, in collaboration with the Scottish Government, to explore Scotland’s story through the eyes of ethnic and cultural minority communities. ‘Scotland’s Memoir’ presents these alongside the perspectives of civic representatives, artists, historians, and the First Minister herself, Nicola Sturgeon.

In 2018, BEMIS Scotland once again commissioned me to make a documentary on the stories of young and talented writers, artists and musicians. ‘We are Scotland’ was released to wide acclaim.

Etienne continues to work hard to grow Mile Away Films and is determined to put Scottish filmmaking on the map.

Mile Away Films music video image: Store banner

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Far From Home and Telling Epic Stories!